Test Trench 2 was placed in the vicinity of where there was believed to have been an outbuilding belonging to Thomas Ludlow. The test trench was proposed as a 4-foot deep excavation plus a 2-foot shovel test, or 1 foot into sterile soil if encountered above 5 feet. The actual depth of excavation was determined by ground conditions documented in the field. To accommodate existing plantings in the park, the trench orientation became diagonal northeast-southwest rather than the east-west orientation originally proposed.

An old lead pipe was encountered at approximately 4.5 feet below ground surface in the southwest corner of the trench. The soil (sand) appeared to be natural beneath a cluster of clam and oyster shell at a depth of 6 feet below ground surface in the south end of the trench, but after two artifact deposits were uncovered, this proved to be false. It was determined that the soil in the trench was fill. No evidence of the Ludlow structures were found. The trench was backfilled and testing in Section A was completed.

Image: TT2 looking east. (Geismar 1-9-08)

  • Collection method

    Grab samples were collected of cultural material.

Washington Square

Manhattan, Washington Square Park

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