Lot 13 South, Possible Midden Associated with Stone Wall (624.69)

(Late 17th Century)

This context was located directly above the 17th-century landfill deposit on the northern part of Test Cut D in the southern portion of Lot 13. The artifacts recovered suggest that this was deposited shortly after the landfill was deposited. This deposit may represent the remains of a domestic midden due to the high non-architectural artifact to architectural artifact ratio and the large number of faunal remains. This deposit was located above the elevation of the foundation of the stone wall that was exposed in the eastern portion of Test Cut D. This suggests that this stratum dates to the period of occupation of the structure that is associated with the stone wall, and that the deposit had accumulated outside of the house extension. Please see page 215 of the site report for more information.
  • Collection method

    This level was excavated using a trowel. The soil was dry screened using 1/4 inch mesh.

  • Soil description

    Brown mottled sandy silt with charcoal

  • Munsell

    Not recorded

7 Hanover Square

Manhattan, 7 Hanover Square

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