Lot 10* Front Portion, Disturbed Areas of Cobble Floor (624.711)


In Test Cut AA, excavated in the front portion of Lot 10* within the Robert Livingston House footprint, a red/brown and yellow/brown sand underlay a red sand stratum which probably represented the remains of the red sand bedding for the cobble floor. This deposit was overlain by an intrusive pit dug for the installation of the pillar support. Due to this disturbance, it is possible that all of this material may not have been associated with the construction of the cobble floor. This deposit (Cat# 711: Lot 10*, Test Cut AA, Stratum 7, Level a) contains the portions of the cobble floor that were highly disturbed, located in the south-central part of the excavated area in the northeast corner.

  • Collection method

    This context was excavated using trowels. All of the soil was dry screened using 1/4 inch mesh.

  • Soil

    Gray mottled with brick, mortar, charcoal

  • Soil description

    Heavily mottled mixture of red fine sand, yellow silt, gray silty sand, reddish brown sand cobbles in northeast

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