Collections / Map / Site: City Hall Park

Tweed Courthouse, City Hall Park, New York, NY (2003)

Archaeological work completed adjacent to Tweed Courthouse in City Hall Park uncovered many archaeological resources dating to the 18th and 19th centuries. Most significantly, a burial ground and fragmentary human remains were revealed as well as a privy, and a cold storage unit. The burials are likely from the Almshouse and Bridewell burial ground but may also be from the African Burial Ground which borders the site, or prisoners of war who were held in the barracks during the British occupation of the city during the Revolutionary War. The archaeological collection is within the NYC Archaeological Repository and may be accessed through this website. Click here to access Tweed Courthouse Archaeological Survey and Data Retrieval Investigations Volume 1 and Volume 2.

  • Hartgen Archeological Associates


  • Mr. John Ham

  • Ms. Karen Hartgen

  • Mr. David Klinge

  • Ms. Erin Kuns

  • Ms. Marie-Lorraine Pipes

  • Dr. Carol Raemsch

  • Mr. Stephen Sherwood