This context (Feature 84, Bag 1203) consists of artifacts found within a series of overlapping refuse pits along the east side of "Island #8", north of the upper barracks in the northeastern corner of City Hall Park. The feature was in close proximity to Feature 89, a curved stone foundation wall of the Rotunda, but was separated by a deposit of sandy soil. The top of the feature appeared during monitoring approximately 15 inches below the current asphalt pathway surface. The deposit measured approximately 9 feet in length north to south and 4 feet in width east to west. As the deposit was excavated, archaeologists noted that Feature 84 represented several intersecting pits. Each pit received a discrete provenience designation and was excavated separately. The base of excavation for these pits was four feet below the ground surface.
Collection method
This context was excavated by shovel skimming after monitoring with a backhoe was halted.