Lot 27* Ceramic Shop Deposit: Below Mortar Floor (624.1178)

(ca. 1798)

This context (Cat# 1178: Lot 27*, Test Cut AO, Strat 13, Level a) consists of artifacts found below a mortar floor in Lot 27*, located beneath a large ceramic shop deposit. The ceramic shop deposit was sampled with Shovel Test 16, Test Cut AO and Shovel Test 22 and under this deposit was a mortar floor. In the northern portion of Test Cut AO, a one-half to one-inch thick deposit of hard packed reddish material, possibly decomposed stone, which can be seen in the north wall profile, was removed with the mortar. Below this deposit was a two-inch-thick deposit of brown sandy silt.

One hundred and seventy-three ceramic sherds excavated below the mortar floor (which underlay the ceramic deposit) yielded a mean ceramic date of 1798.3. The ceramics suggest that the mortar floor was constructed during the same period in which the ceramic deposit accumulated, probably after the building on this lot began to be used as a ceramic shop. The soil below this deposit, consisting of a red sand with light and dark brown mottled silt, was not excavated. For more information about the deposits related to the ceramic dump, please read pages 101 to 112 of the 7 Hanover Square site report.

  • Collection method

    Excavated this context using shovels and trowels. All of the soil was either dry or wet screened using 1/4 inch mesh.

  • Soil

    Brown sandy silt

7 Hanover Square

Manhattan, 7 Hanover Square

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