In the southern portion of Lot 13, a small wooden "trough" was uncovered while excavating Test Cut W. The trough was oriented east to west and located approximately half way between the north and south walls of the test cut and above the top wooden boards of the underlying wooden box feature. In the eastern portion of the test cut, this trough had a clearly rounded profile and was burnt. In the western portion of the test cut, the trough appeared to be more in the form of a plank with a slight indentation. Although the western profile of Test Cut W did not show the trough, it does show a pit in the shape of a trough, which is mirrored in the eastern profile. The trough was probably installed at the same time as the wooden floor associated with the wooden box feature. Similar troughs were uncovered and excavated in Lots 14 and 15, and these appear to have served as drainage in these lots.
This context (Catalog# 721, Lot 13, Test Cut W, Strat 12, Level a) consists of fill found inside the western portion of the trough.
Collection method
This level was excavated using a shovel. All soil was screened using 1/4 inch mesh.
Soil description
Light brown-tan sandy silt with mortar
Not recorded