Lot 12, Test Cut F, River Bottom Silt: Dark Gray Clayey Silt (624.208)

(17th Century)

This context (Catalog #208: Lot 12, Test Cut F, Stratum 21, Level a) consists of artifacts found in a gray clayey silt which likely marked the beginning of the river bottom deposits in Test Cut F. This context is one of multiple river bottom deposits excavated from Test Cut F in the rear portion of Lot 12. 

The two-to-six-inch-thick layer of dark gray clayey silt underly the gray and tan sand landfill strata beginning at approximately 80 inches. This dark gray clayey silt stratum yielded coral, high densities of bone, and a moderate density of vegetal remains.  The only substantial recorded quantities of yellow brick in TC F originated in the gray clayey silt and the underlying deposits which represent the pre-landfilling river bottom. This pattern appears to characterize the base deposits in many of the test cuts that were excavated to river bottom depths. There were no other notable differences between the artifacts recovered from the river bottom and the landfill deposits.

For more information about the deposits associated with Lot 12, please read pages 155 to 191 of the 7 Hanover Square site report.

  • Collection method

    Excavated this context using trowels. All soil was dry and wet-screened using 1/4 inch mesh.

  • Soil description

    Green, brown, and gray sand, wet but a bit silty with wood

  • Munsell

    Not recorded

7 Hanover Square

Manhattan, 7 Hanover Square

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