Lot 10* Front Portion, Landfill Deposit GS1: Greenish Gray Sandy Silt (624.801)

(Late 17th-Century)

This context consists of artifacts from the "GS1" landfill deposit, a 17th-century greenish-gray sandy silt landfill stratum located in the front portion of Lot 10*. This deposit was recovered from the soil underlying the bedding of the cobble floor. The data suggests that the landfill on Lot 10* may have been deposited in several distinct episodes. The deposits consist primarily of greenish-gray sandy silt. In TC P, this soil began immediately beneath the red sand bedding for the cobble floor and continued to the base of the excavation at a depth of 32 inches below the brick floor. A similar soil was encountered beneath the red sand cobble floor bedding in Test Cuts K, AA, AB and a portion of TC AC. This stratum has been referred to as GS1. In these test cuts, a band of soil with a similar texture but a browner color was encountered beneath the greener soil and will be referred to as stratum BS. In Test Cuts K and AA, this soil was underlain, in turn, by a deposit of gray and dark gray/black silty soil (Stratum GBS). Another deposit of the greener silty soil (labeled as Stratum GS2) was encountered below stratum GBS in Test Cuts K and AA and immediately beneath stratum BS in Test Cuts AB and AC. 

The GS1 deposits sloped upward to the south in TC K above the top of the rear wall of the Livingston house. If the sandstone cap on top of the foundation wall was added after the original construction of the foundation, GS1 would have been deposited subsequent to the original foundation construction. There is no indication of a trench dug through the fill to install the cap. Rather, it appears that the cap was constructed and stratum GS1 then deposited. 

This context (Catalog #801: Lot 10*, Test Cut AA, Stratum 12, Level a) is one of multiple GS1 landfill deposits excavated in the front portion of Lot 10*. A more detailed description of the landfill deposits in Lot 10* can be found on pages 129-139 of the 7 Hanover Square site report.

  • Collection method

    This context was excavated using trowels. All of the soil was dry screened using 1/4 inch mesh.

  • Soil description

    Greenish-brown sandy silt heavily mottled with brick, mortar, and charcoal

7 Hanover Square

Manhattan, 7 Hanover Square

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