Lot 14, Test Cut CD, Redeposited and Disturbed 17th/18th-Century Fill, Strata I (544.932)

Test Cut CD is Feature 10, a stone well, excavated in the rear of Lot 14. The well was impacted on its western side by the construction of Lot 13/Lot 14 boundary wall in the 19th century. The top 21-inches of the test cut contained the same soil, a dark brown sandy silt. This same surficial soil layer was found across Lots 7 and 14 and was interpreted as a disturbed overburden.
In TC CD, this overburden layer went deep enough that levels were assigned based on the amount of 19th century materials present, which decreased with depth. After 21-inches, no 19th century materials were evident (though the same soil color and texture remained). This led the report writers to conclude that the well was probably infilled when a residential house was built on Lot 14 in 1827.  The fill used was from the surrounding area – perhaps a 17th/18th century deposit. However, an alternate theory given in the report is that the well was gradually filled up over its use-life until it was totally filled in upon abandonment in 1827. 
  • Soil description

    Dark Brown Sandy Silt with Reddish Brown Silt Mottles and Rubble and Charcoal

Stadt Huys Block


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